Monday, October 29, 2012

Week Six

Kumusta kamo akong pamilya ug mga higala!!

What an eventful week it has been. Lots of awesome things happening.

So Tuesday was a great day. We only have one class and then its the devotional. We got to usher so we got amazing seats in the second row. Larry Echo Hawk of the 70 was the speaker. He gave an amazing story about his conversion. It also included lots of football. I'll send it home in a handwritten letter (I also sent parts to Lindsay) After the Devotional we got to meet him and talk to him for a little while. His wife made the comment that mission applications are up 471%!!! 4000 applications per week. Elder Echo Hawk also said that there were going to be 50 new mission fields!!!!

Wednesday was good... We have early morning service at 6:15 and so far we've only cleaned bathrooms. It kinda sucks. It's no longer a shock to me though to see the new missionaries coming in. We can actually be hosts next week. 3 districts in our zone left for the field last week. 2 to Portugal and 1 to Cape Verde. I'm gonna miss Sister Llano. She's actually from Southern Leyte and speaks Cebuano. She gave us her parents address and told us to baptize them. I'm super stoked to get to the field!

Thursday is super fun. I love the TRC! I seriously speak my best Cebuano there. Everything just flows and I dont have to think about grammar. It's such a cool experience.

Friday was long and weird... I think everyone was a bit burned out. SYL is great though. We speak at least 10 hours of cebuano only per day.

Saturday is the best day because to me its like Friday night for the rest of you.

Sunday is the best day of the week in my opinion. Rest from classes. Going to church. Taking the Sacrament. Singing in the choir. Walking to the temple and taking pictures. Going to the fireside and watching a church film afterwards. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Sunday. Gotta love the day of rest.

I'm starting to read from the Basahon ni Mormon at least 1 chapter per day. The words are finally starting to make sense. It's incredible how real the gift of tongues is.

I'm about halfway done with Jesus the Christ. It's a tough read but I'm absolutely loving it! I know that Christ is the Savior of the world. He suffered for each and everyone of us. We can turn to Him and He will comfort us.

Thanks for the pictures and letters Kristin!

Loved the Pie and Cookies Jess! You're a Maayo Kaayong Manluluto! (Amazing Cook)

Thank you Alyssa for the Letters. I'm sorry I haven't had time to respond. I got your letter on Monday night. We got our mail after we wrote emails. I hope your presentation went well and that you went ahead and borrowed my hat. I'm okay with you borrowing my things as long as you remember that they are my things and return them :) I hope you know I love you and I'm praying for you.

Lindsay thanks for the letters and questions. I've been praying for you and I think you didn't get my letter until after you sent the second one. Isn't it amazing how God answers prayers?!

Mom thanks for the package. Voting is such a fulfilling experience. Kinda catching wind that there's gonna be a huge storm on the east coast that could affect the election.... any truth to this?

This week is kinda of the downhill week of the MTC. We get a new Cebuano district on Wednesday. Next week we get our travel plans on Friday and then the week after we have In Field Orientation. 3 weeks from today I'll be on a plane over the Pacific Ocean!!! This is CRAZY! But I absolutely love it. I know what my purpose is and I know that the Big Guy upstairs is looking out for me.

I love you all. And I can feel your love and prayers.

Until next Monday,

Elder McGuire

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