Sunday, April 6, 2014

The work is sweet

This past week has actually been pretty awesome!

Cian is one of the most humble, teachable investigators I have ever met. We are through with Lessons 1-3 and we are trying to go rapid fire with the Commandments so that he will be prepared for his Baptism on the 26th. He came to a baptismal service Saturday afternoon and we were able to teach him the Word of Wisdom and the Law of Chastity in one lesson. He has no problems with either. He used to drink coffee, but his friend Jerome already opened up to him about it so he decided to stop. In Priesthood meeting on Sunday he stood up to introduce himself because there were quite a few visitors. He bore a great testimony and is super excited to join the church. He is going to be such a great missionary. He is also a really popular kid at school because he is a phenomenal hip hop dancer. So hopefully we will be able to teach some of his friends soon too. That's actually how he started investigating the church was coming to the baptism of one of his friends last December. I am so excited for him.

Herald is still doing awesome. We are planning to have him baptized the first week of May. Hopefully his mom will see the changes he is making in his life. He is really humble and is trying to change a lot of things. He wanted us to teach him about baptism so he could explain it to his mom. We did so. Hopefully that will help him. 

We have a new family of investigators and I am so excited for them! The Nabong family is awesome. The dad was baptized back in the 80s but fell away because his job was on Sundays. . Now he has no job. A couple of weeks ago, a Relief Society sister dropped by his house and invited him to church. He came and we started talking to him and got to know him. Now we are teaching his wife and 5 kids. They are all really interested and committed to be baptized. They're in some really humble circumstances right now. I'm really excited to visit them some more.

In other news, MLC was awesome! I got to see a bunch of people! I got to see Elder Carlson and Sister Schaap and Bro. Viray and it was just a blast! There is nothing like having good friends. Tacloban is starting to look better. It's no longer a ghost town.

So we were supposed to have Zone Conference this coming Wednesday but it has been postponed because there is an incoming typhoon. I'm not sure where or when it is going to hit. So please pray for the people of the Philippines. I'm pretty sure I'll be just fine but just pray. Keep exercising faith. Keep on trusting in Him.

I love you all! I'm so grateful for your examples of faith. 

Have an amazing week! 

Love you!

this is a FHE last week. Sis. Amora is in the center in the yellow and it was her birthday. Our district president is on the far right

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