Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Conference Week!

This week was great!

So we ended up having zone training meeting on Tuesday. It was good. I think I"m getting more confident in giving trainings. We trained on patience. And then we found out the the Zone Conference was still going to happen on Wednesday. We had to apply the training we just gave. We had to work out getting catering for lunch and cleaning the chapel and get President Andaya a hotel reservation. Elder Quinco and I have decided to get companionship shirts made that say #IheartAdministering. Thankfully our Branch Mission Leader is the most converted man on the island of Samar. Bro. Nikki helped us out with the reservation and lunch. And we cleaned the chapel with the STLs. It was a good service project. Oh and also we had to find some time to prepare another training to give at zone conference. We decided to talk about how to build a relationship of trust with our investigators and helping them gain trust in the book of mormon. And then we had to give that training in front of the Andayas and the APs and Catbalogan and Catarman zones. It all went really well. I am so grateful for the hand of the Lord in my life. There is no way we could have done that all without divine help and have it turn out so well.

Cian is doing so awesome! We are just about finished with the lessons with him and he is excited for the 26th. He came to conference in Catbalogan. Elder Corbridge's talk was exactly what he needed to hear. His family is mostly hostile towards him joining the church. Why? Because it's the truth. I loved that talk too. Look for the biggest dust cloud of opposition and you'll find the truth. When people leave other sects of religion, what happens? they just go away quietly. But when people leave the true church, they can never leave it alone. This world will never leave the truth alone.

I LOVED conference! Especially Elder Oaks, Elder Nelson, Elder Perry and President Uchtdorf's talks. I had all of my questions answered that I brought to conference. That's the best feeling in the world. To know that even after all I've gone through, Heavenly Father still loves me enough to answer my questions through living prophets. Revelation is real. The Gospel is Real. Faith is Real. It's my new goal to go through my notes and set goals for the next few months. Mostly I'm going to be working on having an attitude of gratitude.

My life is so awesome right now. I have an awesome companion. Elder Quinco is from General Santos City, basically like the same neighborhood as Manny Pacquiao. He and I both have the same taste in music. He is the oldest of 4 boys, 2 of which are also on missions one is in Cebu East and the other is in Baguio. He's the greatest! We play basketball every morning and he was the perfect companion to get me back into missionary mode.

Calbayog is a great branch. We are averaging 160 in attendance. The District President's goal is to split the branch by the end of the year. This is the strongest branch in the district. All the district leaders are in our area. Mostly this is the most missionary minded branch in the world.

Well the typhoon hit south of us, so mostly it's just been pretty rainy this past week. Nothing to worry about.

Thank you all for your prayers. I love you all! Keep exercising faith. Is your life LED by living prophets and their words?

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