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A lot of my thoughts this week come from Mormon chapters 8 and 9. I love the way it starts out. "Behold, I, Moroni (Elder McGuire), do finish..." He continues on to describe how his people were destroyed and how he was the only one left.
"My father hath been slain in battle, and all my kinsfolk, and I have not friends nor whither to go; and how long the Lord will suffer that I may live I know not."
More or less that is how I feel. "I ever remain alone... they are gone... I know not... whither I go it mattereth not...I know not..."
And then what does Moroni do? He bears powerful testimony like none other. He stays faithful. Angels and translated beings minister unto him. He is going to be my hero for these last 3 months. I need to be a finisher. The Lord needs all of us to be finishers. Despite hardship, despite feelings of loneliness, we can press on with a bright hope. Some of the most beautiful passages of scripture come from Moroni in his lonely journeyings at the end of his life. I kinda hope that I can follow that example and have the best time of my mission for these next few months.
All my friends are going home this week. I'm slowly reaching the point where I am the patriarch of the mission. Only Elder Centeno is older and he goes home in October. He also went home after the typhoon and came back.
The thing I realized most this last week is how important these next two transfer cycles are. These last 3 months are the Lord's gift to me. If I had chosen to stay in Cebu, I wouldn't have been healed and not as effective nor helpful to other missionaries. These next 3 months are an absolutely amazing learning opportunity for me. I figure since I've never felt so strongly that the Lord wanted me home for three, that these next three are part of the reason why He wanted me home. Since (not if) Heavenly Father wanted me home for those 3 months so I could get healthy, then these 3 months are what He wanted me to experience here in Tacloban. There is something really important He wants me to learn and I'm starting to figure it out. I'm pretty certain it revolves back around to my original goals of developing charity and becoming a Christlike leader.
Long story short, This is the real start of the 4th quarter. I'm here to finish what I started.
I was really exhausted at the beginning of the week. I had some thoughts of inadequacy. I just wish people would realize that a lot of the time I don't have it all together. I wish people wouldn't just assume that I have no problems. I really am just a normal guy not a superhuman despite those *2nd batch perfectionist-workaholic tendencies. (*an affectionate description of himself and his sister, Jessica)
This past week was kinda interesting. MLC went alright. A lot of changes are being made with the way we count key indicators which kinda frustrates me but I'm not too torn up about it. For me, numbers will never build up the church. People build up the church. I know that numbers are the way we measure effectiveness, but I am much more content to focus on people and making sure people have testimonies deepened and strengthened. We're getting to the same end. It's just the means that worry me. Things will hopefully work out.
We also had the new trainers meeting and zone training meeting.
I'm really going to miss Elder Quinco. I was companions with him twice for a total of 6 months. He is one of the most humble, diligent, innovative and assertive missionaries I know. He was hands down my favorite companion of my mission. He's the one who taught me how to better follow the Spirit and rely on it more and to really get to know each of the missionaries that we're called to watch over. He's an incredible leader and teacher. He was an answer to many of my prayers. He was a heaven sent blessing and was the right missionary to get me back on my feet and back into missionary mode. I'm so incredibly grateful for his example and the chance I had to meet him and learn from him.
This week is transfer week. I'm actually really excited. Basically all my friends that are left are going to move into my house... Elder Carlson, Elder Lowe, Elder Vaclaw, Elder Tumagoy, Elder Oakes. It's going to be a party. Pray that I get enough sleep this week!
The big thing is I'm going to be assigned in 2nd ward again in downtown!!!!!!! I'm super stoked for that! The goal is to prepare at least 2 people for baptism before I go home.
Earlier we went golfing believe it or not! We just went out to the driving range and hit a bucket (crate) of balls. It wasn't too fancy but it was a lot of fun! I'm looking forward to going with Dad and the boys when we all get back.
Love you all! Thanks for all your prayers. Keep on sharing the gospel!
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