This past week has been pretty good! It was supposed to be 5 straight exchanges (120 hours), but things worked out a little bit differently.
It started off with exchanges with Tolosa zone on monday night and tuesday morning. I went with Elder Ganados. He's from Samal, Davao. (look it up it's a pretty cool place!) We went and taught the Dado family and then went to an FHE of a less active family. Tuesday morning we went and taught our investigators John Ray and Cherrylee. They said that they hadn't read the Book of Mormon but they talked about it and said that they didn't want to be baptized and switch religions. So I told them that our purpose wasn't to force them to change religions, only to invite them to learn more about the restored gospel and come closer to Christ. They both breathed a huge sigh of relief. Clearly there was miscommunication in setting up expectations. We then proceeded to teach the plan of salvation and they invited us back for a return appointment.
Tuesday afternoon I went with Elder Adair. We took a little time getting underway because we had to drive out to the airport since the departing batch of missionaries just got back from Manila to get fingerprints for their exit visas. I don't want to call them all trunky, but they are all very excited to go home. After waiting in traffic for an hour (not that bad of a sacrifice anyways... bonus points for chapter 6) we went out and taught the Malatbalat family and their neighbors. The Malatbalat family is going to be baptized this Saturday!!! So excited that I get to be part of that. Jules Viray, our Ward Mission Leader and Bro. Viray's son, came and worked with us. He's the MAN! He just got back from Baguio Mission not too long ago. We went to our english speaking investigator. He said he'd looked up some stuff about the Church on the Internet.... really frustrates me. Said he'd come to church but wouldn't exchange phone numbers for reminders. I really don't like when people lie straight to my face and I know they're lying. But it gives me the chance to learn patience and forgiveness.
Wednesday, We found this nice old man who invited us in but wasn't incredibly interested. We shared with him about the Book of Mormon and restoration. Wednesday night I worked with Elder Santiago. We went to our investigators who speak only Tagalog. My grammar is not the best. That's why I like Waray so much because they're aren't really any grammar rules.
Thursday was a mess. Catarman Zone was staying at our apartment. They were here for the specialized training. They left our apartment a mess. They wouldn't listen to us to get out on time or to go to bed on time. There's a lot of missionaries up there who have an attitude of "I'm gonna do what I want and I really just don't care what you think." On top of that, Elder Centeno got sick with a 104 fever. He rested in the morning while I went with both the Borongan Zone Leaders and we went finding. After Lunch, I dropped them off at the terminal and took Elder Centeno to the Hospital. We cancelled our exchanges with the Catarman Zone Leaders which is a real bummer because they're the ones that probably need it the most. I sent the Zone Leaders a text to light a fire under their feet and have them spread that fire to everyone else. Last cycle their zone was the top baptizing and finding. This cycle it's like they've fallen off the map.
Friday was my first "day off" in a very long time. Elder Centeno was confined to bed rest. So I had personal study and cleaned the apartment. We have so much trash and junk! But I moved the furniture around so that it has a different feel.
Elder Centeno's fever broke down to 100 on Saturday and he kept taking his antibiotics. He was feeling up for another exchange so we decided to go with the Tacloban ZLs. I went to Basey with Elder Vaclaw. It was a pretty low key exchange. We just reviewed baptismal interview questions with their investigators. It was really good and what I needed. There's nothing like planting seeds, which we have been doing in our area for the past two weeks without a whole lot of success, but it sure is nice so see the harvest. After the exchange we went to Burgos Chapel to have the Malatbalats' baptismal interview. Then we went to the office so that Elder Centeno could rest. I just studied.
I've been studying a lot in the Book of Ether. It's so awesome because it's basically the entire Book of Mormon in only 15 chapters. I've been really applying it to myself just because I feel like Moroni out here, the last of my people. I like how Moroni says that he "finishes" or "proceeds" or "proceeds to finish" in the first verse of some chapters. It's a reminder to me that the Lord needs disciples that will press on and continue and finish and endure to the end.
Another theme I drew from the Book of Ether, was the importance of being a righteous man a influencing the generations. There's one chapter that says "he filled the steps of his father" then it refers to his son who "walked in the steps of his father." I thought that was very interesting. We can walk in the ways of righteousness and do all the right things, but if our heart isn't in it or if we're not filled with love then it might not have the best outcome. The king who only walked in the steps of his father died in peace but his family became dysfunctional and they had a giant war.
The most important thing I got from the Book of Ether comes from chapter 12. I have been pondering a ton on what I'm supposed to learn these next 3 months. I know with all my heart that Heavenly Father wanted me home for those 3 months after Yolanda. Which means He also wants me here in Tacloban with the same intensity for these 3 months. Which means there is something very crucial which I have to learn. I read verses 39 and 41 and I think I got my answer.
When I come back for reals this time, I want people to know that I have seen Jesus in my life. That He has spoken with me. I want them to see in my face that I have come to know him. I want the Holy Ghost to abide in me forever and I want the enabling power of the Atonement to strengthen me every single day. So for the next 3 months, I'm going to be studying the life of Jesus Christ and His words and teachings and trying to pattern my life after His. Granted, this is what a missionary is supposed to do during his mission and what we're all supposed to do during our lives; but I want to make this my focus and goal to drive and inspire me to the finish line.
This week should be a fun week. We have MLC and then Zone Interviews. I'm stoked for General Conference! With the way it will work out, I might be in Biliran for the broadcast, meaning I will have watched General Conference on all 3 islands in the mission and in the MTC. We don't get the broadcast until the 11th and 12th so try not to spoil it for me next week :)
Love you all! Keep on praying and keep on trusting in the Lord. Things work out. They always do! Romans 8:28
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