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Yes those are all waray words and they all mean the same thing but it depends on the city that you're in. Each one is used in a different city but they all mean the same thing. You wanna know what they all mean?
I don't know if I've ever been so tired in my mission. Transfer week is a huge production no matter how you swing it. I've probably orchestrated more than anyone else under the age of 22.
Anyways, it's all manageable. It keeps me on my toes and it all comes back to finding the right balance.
This transfer week was pretty great. Not gonna lie, I was in a pretty rough spot last Monday and Tuesday, seeing my batch go home and knowing that I"ll still be here. But I have gotten over that now. The Spirit has spoken peace to my heart and I am ready to give my all for these next three months.
So my new companion is Elder Centeno. He is the man! He's from Gapan City, Nueva Ecija. He's the 5th of 6 kids. His younger sister just got her call to serve in Legaspi Mission. He also went home after Yolanda for 5 months. So his batch went home a long time ago. Now we're both basically the Patriarchs of the Mission. He goes home next cycle. For those of you keeping track at home here's a couple cool stats for you. I have had one companion on my mission that is from a younger batch. And when I was companions with him I was in a tri-panionship with another missionary older than me. for the past 4 cycles I have had a companion for only 1 cycle and that will be the case next cycle too. Anyways, Elder Centeno is very humble and is great at following the Spirit during finding and teaching.
In fact, we finally got to work in Tacloban!!! We worked in Downtown because we switched areas from 1st ward to 2nd ward. That means I'm back in my home ward :) I'm happy to be working here and getting the closure that I need. Yesterday we picked up 5 new investigators. 2 from finding and 3 from member referrals. John Ray and Cherry Lyn are 20 and 21 and they have two young boys. We just found them while we were walking around in our old area and Elder Centeno was prompted to talk to them while they were walking the other way. We ended up teaching them the restoration, testifying that families can be together forever and that we have a living prophet today. They committed to read 3 Nephi 11 and we have a return appointment tomorrow. Our referrals came from our 1st counselor who used to be a bishop in Manila. We had FHE with them and shared a Mormon Message with them. We have a return appointment tonight.
We are going to be super busy. I'm planning on doing all 10 exchanges with ZLs and I just found out that we still have zone interviews before the transfer day. I'm also planning on getting some baptisms in October or November. I refuse to be the AP that just sits in the office and does office work. We're going to be out preaching the gospel and helping others come unto Christ.
Personal Study has been pretty great. I was reading ether 2 yesterday and the last verses of the chapter really got me and made me think about the typhoon and the mission and life and everything.
24 For behold, ye shall be as a whale in the midst of the s ea; for the mountain waves sha ll dash upon you. Nevertheless , I will bring you up again ou t of the depths of the sea; fo r the winds have gone forth out of my mouth, an d also the rains and the flood s have I sent forth.
25 And behold, I prepare you a gainst these things; for ye ca nnot cross this great deep sav e I prepare you against the wa ves of the sea, and the winds which have gone forth, and the floods which shall come.
Basically, the Lord lets us go through storms because He is preparing us. He's preparing us because we can't cross through this crazy life unless He prepares us with winds, rains and floods (trials) (which come from him) If we keep that in mind, trials make more sense. These crazy things happen in life because the Lord is preparing us for the promised land (celestial kingdom). I especially like when the Lord says, "Nevertheless, I will bring you up again out of the depths of the sea" For those that trust in God, He really will bring them out of the depths of trials and tribulations.
Thank you all for your prayers and love! That's super awesome that Sarah is getting baptized!!! Many prayers headed up in her behalf this week!
Love you all!
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