It's been a great week!
On Monday and
tuesday we had exchanges with the Almeria elders. Elder Canaya came with me and Elder Parra. Elder Nacorda went to Almeria with Elder Pole'o. It was pretty great! Mostly we just went finding for new investigators and then taught the Paa family. The goal is to get my companions to go finding more because apparently they didn't do that before I got here. Mostly just visiting less-actives. Which is good, but it's better to have balance.
We had the baptismal interview for the Paa family
on Thursday, but Sister Paa still needs more time. So we are going to have her reinterviewed this week and hopefully they will be baptized
next Sunday before church. Kind of a bummer though that I'm not going to see it because I'm going to Calbayog for my last Sunday but We're still going to work hard to get her prepared.
Everyday i wake up at
5:30 and just ponder there for a little while. This mission has gone by so fast. So many things have happened. I've learned so much. I'm still learning. My study of the Gospels has been fantastic! I just finished the Savior's suffering in Gethsemane and all I have left is His trial, crucifixion, resurrection and final ministry. I truly can say that I feel my Savior's love. It's led me to ponder the events in my life that have helped me to gain a testimony. The things that I've done to have a relationship with my Savior and Heavenly Father. The nights I stayed up late as a teenager reading from the Book of Mormon and truly pleading and asking to know that it is true. Feeling his arms extended out in forgiving mercy when I have asked for His forgiveness. Being engulfed in His love when I so desperately needed healing. His promises are sure. He is the real source of Peace in this world of tribulation.

So this is my last week. I'm not entirely sure what to write about. Mostly the plan is to just finish strong and work hard every single minute of every single day! We have exchanges with the Zone Leaders this week. and then 3 days and then Calbayog to make sure Cian and the Nabong family stay active in the Church. I'm really excited because Calbayog branch is going to the Cebu Temple Dec 1. And we go home through Cebu and will have some time in the afternoon. I really hope I will be able to see some of them at the temple! That would be amazing!

Pray that I'll have the strength to finish strong and to stay strong. I'm trying to keep in perspective that this isn't really an ending, just another beginning. As President Uchtdorf said we are made of the stuff of eternity. That's why it's hard to say goodbye because we don't like endings. I am going to miss this place and these people so much! My heart is starting to split in two. I love it here. I love these people. I love missionary work. I love my nametag. I love being in a position to help others. I do feel the Spirit every single day. It is so fulfilling to act on spiritual promptings.
I love you all! Thanks for the prayers and support and letters! I really do appreciate them even if I don't respond to each individually. I do read them. They are a strength to me! I can't wait to see you all! We will have a great time catching up on everything. Until then, do something today and everyday that will help you and others feel the Spirit.
Love, Elder McGuire
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