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Well it's been an interesting week.
To start it off, my legs were killing me. That is the last time i will ever do squats. Despite the pain, we went out and worked.
We had a special fast for Carlo as well as fast sunday. We also gave him a blessing so that he would be able to overcome the peer pressure of drinking. This week was All Souls Day and All Saints Day so there are a few fiestas. Thankfully, he did not drink. He is progressing very well. The bummer though is that he didn't come to church because his wife was sick... lame. So now his baptism would have to be on the 29th, our last saturday. But he'd have to come for the next 3 weeks. Please pray for him.
I went on two exchanges this past week. My first was with Elder Cotcher. He just finished his 12 weeks training. He's pretty cool though. He's in a position that not many elders are ever in. After he was trained, he transferred, became a district leader, and had to learn a new language, oh and his follow up trainer doesn't speak english really at all. So yeah he is super stressed out. I think the exchange really helped him out. He is a good missionary and is going to be a great help to the ward up here.
My next exchange was with Elder Biador. This was more interesting. It was out in Mondragon and Roxas. Elder Biador is a convert of about 3 years. He is a pretty good teacher but he has some big time pride issues. He's a good kid though. Just needs more time and experience.
We had a broadcast from Manila last night. Elder Oaks spoke and so did Elder Robbins of the 70 and Bishop Causse and Elder and Sister Ardern. It was pretty great! I think the biggest insight I liked came from Elder Oaks talk. He was talking a little about the 4th of the 10 Commandments. "Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy. Six days thou shalt work." He went on to say that often this second part of the commandment is not kept. The Lord has commanded us that we should work and be hard working and industrious. It's so interesting to me how I can know the commandments but when they are explained by an Apostle you get a whole new insight. Dad if you wouldn't mind trying to get me a job at a law firm or something like that up in Utah, I would really appreciate that. If you can balance that into your already hard-working schedule :) Thanks so much for your fantastic example!
This week we aren't going to have a whole lot of work. We fly to Manilatomorrow to get fingerprinted for our exit visas then we have MLC on wednesday, then we travel back thursday afternoon because we have to get our chest x rayed in tacloban. The week is going to go by super fast.
I'm super grateful to be where I'm at and to have the guidance of the Spirit in my life. I'm grateful for a family who loves and cares and prays for me and my success. Please know that I'm praying for you too! Yesterday I taught sundayschool about Eternal Families. I shared the experience I had when I came home and we all went to the Mesa Temple to do some sealings. I can't wait to do that again. It is one of my favorite memories, being together with my family in the temple! :)
Love you all! Keep on following the example of the Son of God and always seek to have the Spirit in your life! God lives. This is His work! We are in His hands.

Keep the Faith. Stay Strong. Hold On!
Elder McGuire
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