Dear Family,
We did the first half of zone interviews in Ormoc Zone on wednesday. We started in Kananga then went to Villaba and Palompon and Isabel and then Ormoc. It was way fun to be in Villaba again. I got to see a few members and they were excited to see me! We ate lunch in Palompon at a new pizza place that opened up this year. It was pretty delicious. Wednesday night we had dinner in Ormoc at Big Roy's with President and Sister Maurer. I got chicken wrapped in Bacon... Yeah it was good. We had a meeting to pick the remaining trainers for next cycle.
Thursday we finished Ormoc zone interviews. We went down the coast to Albuera, Baybay and then to Mahaplag. After that we finally came home. McDonalds opened up and so we were going to go get dinner there but it was jam packed. So we went to Ocho's which is this amazing seafood grill.
Friday morning we had the Train the Trainers Meeting. I really enjoyed it. Everybody is so young though! When I mentioned my trainer Elder Cottle, nobody knew who that was except for Elder Centeno... Well I guess I am reaching the last cycle of my mission and my trainer is home and married now so there's that.
Saturday morning we picked up Sister Brown and Sister Henshaw and the 4 of us drove to Biliran. We dropped them off in Biliran and then went to Naval. We attended a mass baptism in Naval. 21 people were baptized! They have another 15 next week! Elder Centeno and I worked in Almeria (his first area) we visited a bunch of his converts. I had a great time! It's a new thing President wants to happen is have missionaries visit former areas on their last weekend and strengthen their converts and attend church there with them for the last Sunday. So that was a blast. Almeria branch is way awesome! I felt super uplifted. I'm super excited to visit my converts next time. It was a really fun roadtrip. Sunday night we got home and had dinner at the Garcia's house. They're so kind to the missionaries.
This week is transfer week and who knows what is going to happen. This is the real 4th quarter. It's go time.
Love you all! Thanks for your continued prayers and support!
Editor's note: (Elder McGuire has been transferred, but he didn't know where to as of this letter)

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