So the traveling side of things... Monday night we went out to Borongan. On Tuesday we attended their zone training meeting and then did zone interviews with them. Elder Centeno's and my job is to check and train on the Area Book. After we were done, we got in the car again (around 4ish) and drove through the heart of Samar to Catbalogan. This is the worst road in the world... It's not even a road. Most of it is just dirt and mud. The places that are cemented are potholes and there are a lot of places where it's only one lane. Anyways there was one cool part where there was a loop'd'loop bridge which was really cool.
So we got into Catbalogan that night and I passed out. Wednesday morning we worked with the Elders there. I worked with Elder Disbarro. We went and found a new investigator who seemed pretty interested about the Book of Mormon and said she would read it and that they could come back and teach her. She also invited them to go to her work and preach to everyone there. Gotta love those finding experiences. Then we taught their investigator who was pretty good but hadn't really understood his reading. It was fine by me though. I just love the feeling I get when I get to share my testimony with people in their homes. After lunch we got back in our truck and went up to Catarman. Elder Centeno worked with Elder Harvey (his trainee two years ago) and I went with Elder Mack to go check out an apartment for the sisters in Bobon. Then Elder Mack and I went to go check out Laoang and Catubig. (see the pictures)
Thursday we did zone interviews for Catarman zone. We started in UEP and went back through Catarman and Bobon and Allen and San Isidro. After San Isidro, we went with President Maurer to translate for him for a baptismal interview.President Maurer had me translate for him and Elder Centeno translate for the man. I........ It was such a cool experience though. It was a follow up interview and President Monson had written a letter with this man's name on it. It's so cool to know that the Prophet knows about people in remote parts of the world who sincerely desire to come unto Christ. After the interview we went to Calbayog and had dinner. President Maurer treated us and got us some cheesecake. It was delicious!
Saturday and Sunday was General Conference here at Fatima Chapel. One year ago I was here. It felt so good to be back. So good to feel an outpouring of the Spirit and so much revelation received for me and for investigators. All my questions were answered. I loved Tad R. Callister's talk as well as Elder Ballard's talk(I got a prompting about 2 weeks ago to listen for Elder Ballard's talk... revelation is so cool!). I feel like it wasn't a huge doctrinal teaching conference but I caught a definite theme of "Get your life together and in order NOW" and "here's how you receive personal revelation" and "follow the prophet no matter what" and "do the basics of prayer, study, sacrament and temple worship and you will have peace in your life" Elder Bednar's talk was the cherry on top. I think his was the only missionary centered talk and it was like the whole conference was saying this is what we believe and what we need to do and then Elder Bednar was saying hey everybody come check this out. Also another thing I've been discussing with some other elders is we feel like something big is coming... we're not sure what it is but with all the talk of "stay in the boat" and "sustain your leaders" it seems like something is about to happen in the very near future. Let's keep in mind that these prophets are the watchmen on the towers that can see what is coming. So basically, I'm going to finish my mission strong by strengthening my testimony and others and then come home and stay strong and then go to school and get an education, get a job, find a wife, raise a righteous family and survive the buffetings of the storm that is coming when wrath shall be poured out over the whole earth (not necessarily in that order).
Oh and then I also got an interview with President Maurer.
It was AMAZING!!!! We were in there for an hour just talking. I got a lot of stuff on my mind and he offered some great
It was AMAZING!!!! We were in there for an hour just talking. I got a lot of stuff on my mind and he offered some great
The Carabao move on!
council and gave me some great feedback. I feel so spiritually renewed this weekend. Also, we found out that we have a general authority coming in 2 weeks! It's either Elder Oaks, one of the presidency of the seventy or one of the presiding bishopric. I'm stoked!
Well that's about it from me. I encourage you all to go back and listen to and read and watch the conference messages. They are the most important things you could study for the next 6 months. I love you all and I really appreciate your prayers. Keep exercising faith. Be kind to everyone!
Love you!
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