This is a video of JT's homecoming. His new brother-in-law, Scott, put it together. We are so grateful for the many, many blessings he and our family have received because of his missionary service. Enjoy!
I did it! It's December!
So this is the last time I'll be writing home as a young full-time missionary. I'm not really sure how to describe all my feelings. Let's just leave it at my heart is tearing at the seams!
I got to go visit Calbayog on Saturday and Sunday to visit my converts! It was an amazing experience. I woke up at 3 in the morning to catch a van and go to Tacloban then I got on a bus and arrived in Calbayog at 2pm. I went and helped with the branch reactivation. I was going to visit my converts, but they were also doing reactivation. Earl Nabong worked with me. He is such a stud! He is active in the church, goes to seminary everyday, he works with the elders frequently. I'm am thoroughly impressed with this kid. He's 16 and trying to reactivate his younger brothers and sisters who stopped coming to church after I transferred. He has a firm desire to serve a mission and he says that he's on a mission right now to get his family active and work with the elders. Cian is active too. He's now the branch clerk and was ordained an elder in the Melchizedek priesthood last district conference. I love him. He's praying to know if he should go on a mission as soon as he hits his year mark or if he should finish his last year of school. I love revelation and that my converts know how to receive it. Church in Calbayog was amazing! President Dawisan asked me to give a talk in sacrament meeting. I spoke on the Atonement. Then I also joined in the choir to sing, "I Know that My Savior Loves Me." It was truly an uplifting meeting. Oh yeah and then Bro. Nikki asked me to teach the combined Priesthood/RS class for him. It was President Uchtdorf's talk Living the Gospel Joyful. After Church, I gave all of my neckties and white shirts and belt to Earl and Cian. I ended up traveling back to Tacloban in a T shirt and gym shorts with no tinge of regret in my being. I showed up to the departure devotional and got a few funny looks but it was all good.
In other news, the Paa family was baptized! I didn't get to attend since I went to Calbayog but I saw pictures and they were very happy!
Caibiran was a good experience for me. If anything, I learned that when I am stripped down and just standing there raw, I still have a testimony of the Savior and this work. I learned that I don't need a calling or leadership assignment to bolster my testimony and I am very grateful for that. I am happy that when everything is taken away and it's just me, I'm happy with what I see and who I've become. I achieved my goal and finished the Gospels. I know that Jesus Christ lives! I know that the tomb is empty! I know He came to earth and suffered for my sins and that through his atoning sacrifice we are cleansed, healed and strengthened so that we can eventually make our way back to the presence of the Father. I know that families can be together forever! I know that the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph Smith is a prophet. This is the true church of God here on the face of the earth. Of this I bear testimony in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
I'm stoked to come home. I'm going to miss these people like nothing I've ever missed before.
Dad nice beard! I don't think I'll be joining you for Don't Shave December though haha. Way to go hammertime on the trees!
Mom HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see you!
Rick You are the MAN!!! You are very bold! Keep on working hard. I'm still praying daily for you and will continue to pray that you will find those that Heavenly Father has prepared for you. Don't let yourself get down because I'm going home this week. Just work hard and focus on the work. You're going to have amazing experiences if you just keep on following the Spirit.
Alyssa imma whoop up on ya in crash bandicoot! haha jokes... I'm stoked to see you and dad in nutcracker!
I love you all! This mission has been the best decision in my life. I'm eternally grateful for the blessing of the man that I've become. For the changes that Heavenly Father has allowed me to make in my life. I'm excited to take these experiences and move forward into the next chapter of my life.
See you in 3 days!!!!!!!!
Love you across the ocean and back!
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