Sunday, December 9, 2012

Still alive, Still working

Hey everybody!!!!

It was another great week here in Villaba. After the FHE with the Sabarez family last week we went home and got a text from our Zone Leaders saying that President Andaya wanted everyone to not leave their apartments on tuesday. Apparently Baguio Pablo was about to hit. A Baguio is the Tagalog word for typhoon. We Stayed inside and cleaned our apartment. I read Our Search for Happiness and Our Heritage...and True to the Faith. So now i've read all of the missionary reference library. I've started the conference edition of the Liahona and next I'm going to read all of the standard works. It makes me feel weird that there are probably pages that I haven't opened in my quad. However all is well. the baguio didn't hit Tacloban like it was supposed to but instead went south and hit Mindenao. Mostly we just got a heavy rainstorm on tuesday. Don't worry mom I'm completely fine. All in one piece still preaching the gospel :)

On thursday we got up at the crack of dawn to catch the bus to Tacloban for the Mission Christmas Conference. It was really great! On thursday night each of the zones performed a skit from the scriptures. My zone (Ormoc) did David and Goliath. My favorite one was probably Biliran zone's. They did The tower of Babel. It was hilarious to see the connections they made to our mission concerning the confusion of the languages. You can literally go 20 miles in any direction and there will be a completely different language. It's insane! We also had a gift exchange. I got a tie and a picture frame. For those of you wondering about the package. No I don't have it just yet. DHL came by before I entered the country so the mission office couldn't sign for it. Hopefully, they'll contact DHL today and they'll pick it up so they can bring it to mission tour tomorrow in Ormoc. Either way though it'll be okay. I'll be too busy with more important things than recieving gifts. Giving is more important anyways. For future packages, I would say just use USPS flat rate boxes. A lot of missionaries had those. Just tape a few Jesus pictures on it before you send it.

Friday morning we played some games that had to do with developing Christlike attributes. My team took 4th out of 18 teams. After that we had a devotional from the senior couple missionaries and President Andaya. One of the Senior couples' last name is Judd. I talked to them a little and yes we are related. They come through Zadok Knapp Judd as well. Elder Judd knows Uncle Thayne. They're like 1st cousins once removed or something like that. Not sure of their first names otherwise I would say go to the Family History Lindsay hahaha.

At the Christmas conference President Andaya announced that we can use Skype for Christmas!!!! Elder Cottle and I found a internet cafe with webcams so we're good on this front. We'll probably skype on the morning of Wednesday the 26th just so you're all done with morning festivities. It will be Christmas evening for all of you back home.

Saturday we traveled back home and did weekly planning. Sunday was not quite as good for attendance. That's what happens when you can only work 3 out of 7 days in your area. Lots of room for improvement but that's life. We gave BoMs to the members to give to their friends. I'm hoping this will help involve them more in the work.

Our investigator, Angelo Sinining is progressing very well. He is very smart. My Cebuano is limited to a Gospel vocabulary for now so that's good. I'm pretty comfortable in teaching the lessons. It's great that he has the desire to be baptized and read from the scriptures daily and repent and pray and all of these great things! It really makes me feel like I'm accomplishing my purpose.

Things are great. 

Love you all and I'm praying for you 

Elder McGuire

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