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Well, week one back in the office is in the books. Unfortunately, we didn't teach anyone because it was transfer week. However, we did have a baptism on Saturday! It was kinda nice to be a part of the harvest even though I wasn't part of the teaching process. That actually happened to me the last time I transferred to Tacloban. Coincidence? yeah right there's no such thing as coincidences.
It was really nice to be able to attend the departure devotional. I said goodbye to a lot of really good friends. The batch that went home was the batch of elders that arrived just before me. We were in the MTC together for 3 weeks. A lot of their testimonies brought me to tears. It's crazy to see how much we've all changed in the past 2 years.
The newest batch of missionaries is here. 19 of them. We picked them all up from the airport and got them oriented and they got to work with some of the missionaries in Tacloban Zone. Friday was transfer day....... I forgot about the level of "transfer day tiredness" We were up at 4 am to make sure all the elders were up. We shuttled them to MacArthur Park for the match up meeting of trainers and trainees. It was a really cool experience. I'm glad President Maurer liked it because he originally wanted to do away with it but he's going to keep it going. After that we went to Burgos for the regular transfer meeting. And then we assisted a ton of missionaries getting to the bus and van terminals in heavy traffic. We had no time for lunch. And then we helped the Tolosa elders and Tanauan sisters get to their apartments since they're opening those areas. And then it was discovered that a new missionaries luggage was not with her in Tanauan but had somehow made its way to Biliran. So we had an awesome roadtrip driving 4 hours to get it to her. We got back to our apartment at midnight and I passed out on my bed. But it was all worth it because I felt that I had exemplified charity that day.
Saturday was awesome. We had staff meeting in the morning. The new senior couple has arrived. They have a lot of faith. They're in their 50s and barely have enough to fund their mission. Elder Anderson will have to work as soon as he gets off his mission. Staff meeting was really weird. It's very different since all the older people are so new in the mission. It's like I expect them to know what's going on but there's a steep learning curve. In the afternoon, I went with Elder Johnson. He and I were in the MTC together. He's awesome. We went and furnished San Roque Elders' Apartment.We had a really good time since we're such good friends. After that we went and installed curtains in the Tanauan sisters' apartment. If anything, my mission has prepared me to be an Elders' Quorum President.
Sunday was great too. It was my first Sunday at Tacloban 1st ward. The testimonies were great. Attendance is way up in Tacloban Stake from what I can tell. The "goal" is to split the stake and create Palo Stake by the end of the year. That would be really cool to see if that can happen.
My personal study has been great. I've been focusing a lot on the Holy Ghost and Personal Revelation. It was a really good refresher to know that my job is only to teach true doctrine in its simplicity and create an atmosphere where the investigator can feel the Spirit confirm the truth. Studying about the Spirit is a great way to feel the Spirit haha.
Earlier today we played basketball down at Burgos Chapel. That's why I love being companions with Elder Quinco is because we play basketball. We're going to be playing a whole lot. I use to think that exercise was just to be fit, but I've been starting to realize that it releases so much stress and makes me feel good. We are also cleaning out our apartment. It has turned into a missionary graveyard. We've had the house for like 5 years and a bunch of missionaries have just left their things that they don't want to take home. We sold 5 broken refrigerators and a few electric fans and moved supplies back to the office. We're going to get rid of all the clothes and flush everything out. That way we can put some bunkbeds in the empty rooms and have a place for missionaries to stay when they come to Tacloban. It's so true that a clean place makes it easier to feel the Spirit.
The best news of the week is that we're going to go on exchanges with all the Zone Leaders. We have the schedule for Zone Conferences set and we're going to go on road trips. I'm super excited!
I think I'm going to be alright as an AP. I'm going to try and live the advice from a former AP to me that "You have to have a bunch of initiative to try new thing, and a ton of humility if your ideas don't work"
But in all honesty, I am doing wonderful. I love being back in Tacloban. I love speaking Waray (and Tagalog sometimes). I love the people here. I love the missionaries. I love serving. I love studying.
Thank you all for your prayers and support and love and faith. This work is true. I know it is because it is His work and He is making me an instrument in His hands. I couldn't do this without His help and I love that feeling. I love knowing that He cares enough about me to mold me and make me better and take me out of my comfort zone.
I hope you all have a wonderful week!
Love you!
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