Hello all you wonderful people!
This past week has been a shining diamond in the rough. It took me about a month but I think I am finally used to the swing of things here in Bato. The language is improving. Elder Empase and I had an amazing companionship inventory and just got everything out on the table. We made a plan to do english in the apartment and cebuano outside and it is helping a ton.
On top of that I got to go on exchanges with Elder Oakes in Maasin. It makes the top 3 in best days of my mission. Elder Oakes and I became great friends just before the storm and during and after. It was just his first transfer when Yolanda hit. Now he's my district leader. You know those friends that you meet and you can tell that you want to be life long family friends. Yeah it's kinda like that. On the last night we were in Tacloban before we evacuated, the two of us slept back to back on a couch in the mission home. In the middle of the night he was using my head as a basketball. Later that night, I subconciously punched him in the crotch... You can't really script that. We're basically best friends and now I'm his zone leader and he's my district leader. It was such a blast! Going finding with him is great! He makes sure that after each house we knock, we stop and say a prayer for that person by name and ask that they be protected from sin and temptation and evil. It is one of the most spiritually uplifiting experiences I've had while finding. We also taught two great lessons to some potential priesthood holders. Their area is definitely a hard one but they are doing great! He treated me to dinner at this really nice restaurant called Kinamot sa Abgao. It was such a fun time.
We also had zone interviews on thursday. It was great to see President and Sister Maurer again. They're so fun to see interact with eachother. The good news of the day is that I'm 2 kilos lighter than my first day in the Philippines. The difference is that my arms are a lot bigger and I'm stronger now. So boom! In our interview with President Maurer his first question to me was how long I'd been a zone leader and if I would be willing to not be a zone leader when I go home. I told him that I'd really like to train and that I'll do whatever I'm asked. So we'll see what happens. I don't really expect to transfer because I just got here and Elder Empase is going home in 9 days. But it was a really cool to know that God answered my prayers.
The thing I love most about Bato is the members. They are really cool. The active ones actually do their scripture study. We have all the meetings we're supposed to. The Elders' Quorum is pretty united. We have a service project this coming week and we're gonna help put a roof on a house. Super stoked for that.
We also have some new investigators that I'm really excited about. Richard and Ella Basaca. They have 2 little boys. Our Branch Mission Leader referred them to us. We got to know them a bit and they're really nice. They want us to come back next Sunday. They're married and he has a steady Mon-Sat. job in Palo. Sometimes the stars just align. Now the plan is to teach and baptize.
Other new investigators of ours are Dave and Deborah. They're not married but Dave is super interested. He is friends with our BML and has lots of questions. He asked if we could come back on Saturday. He committed to baptism and wants to learn more. The Lord is very gracious. Sometimes things just take patience.
My personal study has been really great this past week. I finished the Miracle of Forgiveness. Great read. I also borrowed a book from Elder Oakes. For Times of Trouble by Jeffery R Holland. I devoured it. It's his personal reflections about the Psalms. There are some of them that just bring the Spirit so strongly. I reccommend it. I also decided that I'm going to read a Psalm a day until the end of my mission because I've never read them before and it's a good way to be diligent about it.
Thanks for all the love and prayers and support. I hope you're all doing your gospel study and living what you learn.
Love you all!
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