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Well I got two very interesting phone calls this week.
On Wednesday night I got a call from Elder Quinco, my former companion and current AP. He called to let me know that I was training. So on Friday morning I was in Tacloban for a Trainers Training meeting. I was super excited. To be honest, I've been kinda wanting to train since I haven't yet in my mission. On top of that there are quite a few Polynesians coming in and I haven't had an islander companion yet. Overall, my feeling was like a Bishop who just got interviewed to be released and be the new nursery leader. It would be so nice to only worry about 1 missionary instead of 16.
So I got back to Bato Friday night. We had a very unsuccessful Saturday and I was really bummed about everything. We finished planning at 9:30 and then President Maurer called. He talked to Elder Empase first about if we had a baptism. Kinda just small talking. Then he wanted to talk to me. He asked me a lot of questions about what I remember about the APs doing while I was in the office. I told him they were doing a ton of stuff and dog-tired. They carried a full proselyting load, administrative duties, and went on exchanges with the ZLs. He asked me how we could turn the APs' role into more of a training role instead of administering. So I gave my suggestions. Then he asked if he could ask a dumb question. He asked me that if the AP's role would be more training oriented and less administrative office duty, if a former office elder would be willing to be an AP. I said sure probably... not catching the fact that I'm the only former office elder in the mission right now... And then he asked me if I would do it. I gave it a little bit of thought but eventually said yes. That's what we do. We accept callings. And it's not like I could just give all those suggestions and then have somebody else trying to do it. So we are traveling later today to Tacloban and I'm gonna be the newest AP. The bright side is I get to be companions with Elder Quinco again which is incredible. We're going to play basketball again. Assuming that we're not dog tired. I also get to drive again. Stoked about that. And I will get to be working closely with President and Sister Maurer and there's also a new Senior Couple coming in this week and they're going to be assigned to the office.
After I hung up with President, I got very little sleep. I imagine it was the first of many upcoming sleepless nights. I'm excited for this new opportunity to serve but I know it's going to be a challenge. I thought that being assigned in Bato was going to be my Mountain to Climb, but somehow, everytime we get comfortable, the Lord finds a way to make sure we get back to working.
In other news, I got the package. Cian's quad is awesome! I'm hoping that I'll be able to give it to him in person now. Thanks Dad for the book. I've already finished it and I think it has some great ideas that I'm going to start trying and hopefully I'll be able to influence others to start trying as well. I love the concept of being a more effective missionary. It's the parable of the scissors and the combine. Any laborer can wake up at the crack of dawn and go to work harvesting with some scissors and any lazy man can wake up late and use a combine to harvest. In order to have a plentiful harvest you have to have the right tools and the right skills. On top of that faith, obedience and love are all required in this work.
My personal study has been great. I'm in the middle of 3 Nephi. I love Christ's ministry in the Americas. Everything was so simple because the people were so faithful and believing. Because of their faith, meaning they believed and did what Jesus commanded them, none of that generation was lost. They were privileged to hear Christ teach and speak and pray things that were not allowed to be written, in order to try our faith. Which made me think, if we were all more faithful to that which we have received, we would be able to receive more. It's a very simple concept I know, line upon line, precept upon precept. But it's so true. How many commandments are there that we don't fully understand and follow and keep.
Well that's about all from me. I'm super excited to go back to Tacloban. This will be my first area that was affected by Typhoon Yolanda. This will be both a great blessing and a great challenge for me. I will probably spend my birthday and the 1 year anniversary of the storm in Tacloban. This is what I've wanted and what I've been praying for.
Thank you all for all the prayers and love and support. The Church is true. This I know with all my heart and soul. Go prepare your friends to be taught by the missionaries! :)