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Well I'm back in the Philippines Tacloban Mission and my life is so wonderful! If I could explain how awesome it is in this one hour that would be a straight up miracle. So we'll get to the basics.
For starters, I'm in Calbayog City! I love it here. With Tacloban and Ormoc being so affected by the storm, this is the largest city inthe mission right now. I am in a trio companionship again. I am with Elder Quinco who is from General Santos City and basically me but a filipino. (To put it simply, He knows who Go Radio is!) Elder Keate is from Utah, (and he is also neighbors with Elder Starr!) Both of them are so awesome! Being in a trio is hard but both of these guys are so obedient diligent hard workers so it is so good. Oh yeah and the 3 of us are zone leaders. I am not really jetlagged at all. I think the conditioning myself the week before really helped out.
Seeing all the missionaries again was so awesome! These people are like family to me. I had an overwhelming feeling when I got to Fatima Chapel that :This is where I belong" It feels so good to be back here
The language here is waray s. It is actually pretty similar to Tacloban waray though. So they can all understand me but sometimes I can't understand them. Some of the words change too. It's all pretty good though.
The Branch here is awesome! This is the most missionary minded unit I have ever been to ever. Like a whole lot more than Walnut Canyon ward. On Sunday we went on 3 way splits with members and got 5 lessons in an hour. The members here are so awesome. There are also 2 sets of sister missionaries assigned to the branch and they're awesome. Our branch mission leader is the best in the whole world. He is so good at coordinating the work and making sure we get fellowshippers and lessons from referrals.
Our teaching pool is so great! We have a few investigators that are preparing for Baptism. Herald is 17 and started going to church after the typhoon hit and the missionaries got pulled out. He's dating the district president's daughter and at first it was like he was just going to church for her. But now he is genuinely interested and is preparing for March 22. Marlon is 18 and just got back from Manila. His older brother and sister are less active and he has had doubts about joining the church. On Friday night we had one of the most spiritual lessons ever. He wasn't sure if he was receiving answers to prayer. We talked about the Spirit and how we receive answers to prayer. Elder Quinco said that he could feel the Spirit and then Marlon said I feel something too. I said That's the Spirit. He is such a great kid. We've been waking up at like 5 to go play basketball every morning and he plays with. (Another reason I love this companionship!) I'm thinking that we're going to try and commit him to the 29th.
It's so crazy trying to get back into the missionary mindset. But it really helps to be in this area with these companions! Elder Quinco and I have been rocking at tagteaming some street contacting. I open up and get to know the person and he transitions it into a gospel conversation and we get a return appointment. Life is just so amazing! I can't believe that everything has happened the way it has.
My advice to you all is to go read your scriptures, but not just to finish a chapter and to mark your reading. Go read until you find a verse that gives you guidance for that day. Memorize that verse. Find ways to apply it and share it with others.
Rick I'm so proud of you! Way to go! Gotta love the 4th quarter rally for the eagle!
Lindsay way to make it through the move. You're a rockstar. Just be patient it's gonna get better!
Jess you stay away from that gwapo Ernie! Jokes :) Keep being the awesome person that you are.
Alyssa someday you'll learn how to control not getting in trouble... today is not that day... tomorrow isn't looking much better :) Jokes ha Love you lyssa girl!
Mom and Dad thanks so much for everything. I couldn't have gotten through the past 4 months without you. I'm in good hands now :)
Love you all so much :) Have a wonderful week!
ps yes i got a haircut. yes I've had a mango. yes I absolutely love being back. yes the food here is so much tastier than any other food. yes I am living my bliss and serving my Savior :)
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